This project re-translates the Uppsala Conflict Data Program’s dataset on Iraqi civilian causalities into an animated poster.
The animation was created by importing the dataset in CSV format and sampling the latitude and longitudinal data. This data was then mapped to an XY coordinate space within Blender, an open source 3D program, and proportionately scaled to reflect high and low casualty estimates using parametric tools.
This data was then overlayed on a vector map of Iraq.
Building this 2D graphic in 3D allows it to be extensible and dynamic, responding easily to new data or further animation in the Z-space.
Some of my closest friends are from the middle east and only through them am I educated on the recent history of the area, and the tension of being ethnically middle eastern while building a life in the US.
This conflict is no longer in our news cycle and while the does data exists for those who wish to research it, I could not find an appealing, sharable, graphic that captures not only the data, but also the financial relationship which informs the tragedy displayed therein.